The truck is second-gen swapped with an S467.

I don't know if that matters, but I noticed that whenever I drive the truck high in the RPMs (like 2500), it will throw a P061A code.

Whenever this happens, and I let off the gas to shift, the truck instantly falls on its face.

I have to shift into neutral pretty quickly to avoid a slamming feel.

If I blip the throttle, it will gain rpm, but it chops, and if I rev it up usually, it is just fine.

The same thing happens if I rev the truck to do a launch.

Holding the truck at about 2300-2600 RPMS while in neutral also runs rough.

The tuner tried killing the code, and the problem still exists without the code.

She runs fine if I turn the truck off for a few seconds and start it back up.

If I flash the RaceME Ultra preset tunes into the ECM, this doesn't happen.

Another thing to note is that about a year ago before I had the RaceME Ultra or the custom tuning I had on the truck, an H&S Mini Max, the same thing happened while in cruise control, but it hasn't happened since.

Do you guys have any ideas?

I am not trying to make this post too lengthy, LOL.

I am unsure what could be causing my issue here and if you all have experienced this or heard of this before.